
A famous Greek ancient Goddess Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and the ocean lady Dio.
Aphrodite was originally a deity of fertility, but with the foundation of the Olympic tradition, she became the Goddess of beauty and sensual love. Such names of Aphrodite as “One, who calms sea”, “Bringing happy swimming”, “Diving” tell us that she is honored and as the Goddess of the seas.
One of the main places of the Aphrodite's Cult was the island of Cyprus, on which the Goddess, who was born of sea foam, came out. Aphrodite's most known symbols are dolphin, pigeon, sparrow and hare.
A constant attribute of this beautiful and charming Goddess is her wonderful belt, in which the secret of her charm is hidden.
The unending love of Aphrodite is powerful under both Gods and people. Among Greek Gods only Athena, Artemis, and Hestia can resist the love affection emanating from Aphrodite.
The magical power of Aphrodite is extremely great - people used to pray to her almost more often than Zeus, and, as myths say, they always received an answer or help from her.
The kind-hearted Aphrodite, in her infinite love for people, rarely refused to help them. Most of all, she loves girls and women, but she also listens to a man. A man who is not afraid to turn to her always always evoked her love and respect.
Pray to this charming and, undoubtedly, the kindest and most loving of the Greek goddesses, to find peace in your soul. Aphrodite helps people accept themselves as they are, she creates and destroys love relationships, as well as various other relationships.