
Artemis is the goddess of hunting, the daughter of Zeus and the goddess Leto, the twin sister of Apollo, born on the island of Astreria in Delos. According to legend, Artemis, armed with a bow and arrow, loved to spent her time in forests and mountains, surrounded by faithful nymphs - her constant companions, who, like their goddess, loved to hunt.
Despite the apparent fragility and grace, this goddess was unusually decisive and aggressive in nature.
She dealt with the guilty without any regret. In addition, Artemis strictly ensured that order reigned in the world of animals and plants.
Once Artemis was angry with Tsar Kalidon Oiney, who forgot to bring the first fruits of the harvest, and sent a terrible boar to the city. It was Artemis who caused discord among the relatives of Meleager, which led to his terrible death. For the fact that Agamemnon killed the sacred doe of Artemis and boasted of his accuracy, the goddess demanded that he will sacrifice his own daughter to her. Invisible, Artemis took Iphigenia from the sacrificial altar, replacing her with a doe, and transferred her to Tauris, where the daughter of Agamemnon became the Artemis's priestess..
In classical mythology, Artemis was a virgin and protector of chastity.
In ancient times, there was a rite: girls, who are going to marry, had to bring a sacrifice to Artemis in order to ward off her anger.
Honor this beautiful and full of strenght goddess, pray to her in your wish to obtain her wisdom and inner powers. Will she answer, will she help? Only you can know it.