
Bragi ("poet", "best") - honored by Norse people as a god of Skaldic poetry, the patron God of the Skalds.
He often described as an elderly man, whose long hair and beard are white as snow. In his hands there is always a beautiful golden harp.
The poetry, songs, chronicles, tales - this is all what is Bragi about.
In Scandinavia, skalds lived at the courts of kings, and were honored as third or fourth man after king himself. Everyone in the North, who made a solemn vow, called Bragi as witness.
Our future skald was born in a secret stalactite cave, in the darkness of which his mother, giantess Gunnhold, kept Honey of Poetry. Soon after his birth, dwarves presented Bragi a musical instrument - a harp made of pure gold. This harp and little God were put in a fast boat that took Bragi to the other worlds.
At the feast of the gods, Bragi sang, praising the gods and glorious heroes.
When the insidious Loki set up Balder's murder and returned to Asgard as if nothing had happened, Bragi, the only one of the gods, advised to the trickster to leave, because none of the Aces wanted to see him.
Skald singers could be not only men, but also women - there was no difference. If you are talented and traveled in this world with the word and music, people can call you a son, or a daughter of Bragi.
If you are musician, poet, artist, writer - call on Bragi. He will never refuse you in your prayers - this shiny God can give you some advices, or just help with his divine might in you way to glory and success.