Celtic holiday Samhain

Samhain is a Celtic holiday, that usually marks the end of the harvest season.
The witchcraft rituals of Death and Life are also associated with this day. Every year, at October 31st, the border between the worlds of alive and dead becomes as thin as possible.
October is the perfect time to purify and prepare your house, soul and body before Samhain.
Cleaning your home is an important part of preparing for Samhain. We think, that it is not possible to make it in one day, so it is better to have several days in reserve until the holiday starts.
As you can see, house cleaning is divided into three stages.
The first one is physical cleaning.
Be sure to remove all old and unnecessary trash, dust, dirt and debris. Wash floors and windows, change bedding and old clothes.
The second stage is energy cleaning.
To do this, we advise you to fumigate the already physically clean house with white sage incense. It is necessary to fumigate the house with the windows wide open (if possible) so that the smoke can fly away and take all the energy dirt with it.
The third stage is the sanctifying of the house.
Take some ordinary wax candles (preferably black coloured), cut a straight pentagram on each.
The candle should burn in every room of the house until it goes out by itself.
The preparation of your body takes place directly on October 31st. Wash yourself with pleasure, tidy up your nails, hair, skin - take care of yourself as much as possible.
For the holiday of Death and Life, your soul should be prepared with reading your favorite books, relaxing or listening to appropriate atmospheric music.
Feel the greatness of this holiday and its importance in your life - and the spirits of Samhain will certainly respond to you with their blessings.