
Freyr (ancient scand. Freyr - "lord"), Yngwie Freyr - one of the ancient Northern gods, who is often associated with the sacred royal authority, courage and prosperity, as well as with sunlight and clear skies, god of hunters and fishers, the phallic god of fertility, who is giving mortals peace and pleasure. According to the known sources, he is especially associated with Sweden people and appears as one of the founders of the Swedish royal dynasty.

In the Edda, Freyr is described as one of the Vanes, the son of the sea god Njörd and the twin brother of Freya. 

Freyr rides a shining Gullinbursty wild boar, which has been crafted by masters dwarfs. Freyr also owns the Skidbladnir ship, which is always sails with a tailwind and which, if necessary, can be rolled up like a scarf and be put in his pocket. We know also about the servants of Freyr - Skirnir, Bugvir and Beyla.

In the modern paganism, Asatru, many people nowadays pray to Freyr for help. 

First of all, men pray to him in order to gain strength, courage, and to overcome certain obstacles. Sailors and travelers also pray to Freyr to bless them on the road or in the seas.  

Women turn to him in their prayings, asking for fertility and children, for the health to their family and domestic animals.

Often than anybody, hunters and fishermen pray and sing to Freyr, so the gracious god sends them a good big fish or a beast from the forest.

Turn to the Golden God to ask him for what you need - and Freyr will not refuse you in your praying.