
Frigg, Northern Goddess of family and women's wisdom.
She is a wife of Odin Allfather, so Asatru name her a Queen of Asgard.
She is often described as a beautiful middle-aged woman with a heartfelt glance of an emerald eyes. There is no exact description of Frigg as woman and Goddess in Edda, only one text hinted us that she is not so simple as we could think. In Lokasenna we can clearly read about her wisdom and also about her prediction's mastery. Frigg using one very curious tool to predict: an old spinning-wheel. With the help of it she can discover a fate of every men or women she wants to know about. This truly unusual and powerful Goddess possibly can be as powerful as Norns themself.
In Edda we also can see Frigg as a loving mother of one of the most famous Northern Gods - Baldr. She travelled through all the Nine Worlds only to be assured that nobody and nothing will hurt her sunny son. Unfortunately, her plan didn't work and Baldr died from Loki's arrow which was made of an young omela. It was the darkest page of this Goddess's life, we think. Still,Frigg survived it and returned her son back.
In modern Wicca Frigg is one of the many Goddess's archetypes - the Mother. Wiccans, who have chosen this Goddess, and Asatru, often prays to her for many reasons. Some wants to learn Frigg's wisdom as a predictor, some wants to understand her Mother's nature, but mostly there are women among her believers.
Don't be afraid to invoke her. Frigg is a merciful and kind, wise woman - she will always help you with advice or a miracle.