
During one of his walks along the sea coast, Odin saw nine beautiful giants, ladies of the waves: Gyalp, Greyn, Aistlu, Ergjava, Angeya, Atlu, Ulvrun, Imd and Yarnsaksa quiet sleeping on white sand. According to the Edda, Allfather was so fascinated by these beautiful creatures that they all became his wives and all together gave a birth to one son, whom Odin himself named - Heimdall.
Heimdall is always depicted in shining white armor, and, therefore, he is often called the “white” or “brightest ace”.
He also has the nicknames Shiny, Clean and Graceful, which all he fully deserves, since he is both kind and beautiful, so all Aces love him.
Since through his mothers he is connected with the sea, he is sometimes can be considered as a van. All the ancient inhabitants of Northern Europe, especially the Icelanders, attributed to Heimdall comprehensive knowledge and honored him as the wisest Ace.
Heimdall's hallmark was his golden teeth, sparkling when he smiled. For this, he received the nickname Gullintani (golden-toothed). He also owned a very swift horse named Hultop (golden hair), carrying him over a shiny rainbow bridge - Bifrost.
Heimdall travels along it many times a day, remaining on guard of the peace of the Gods, but because he starts to travel along it at dawn, heralding the beginning of the day, he acts as a messenger of the day beginning.
Travelers offer pray to Heimdall, asking him to protect them on the road, soldiers and warriors, whose service is to protect, asks for help in protecting their loved ones, children, relatives.
Like any Guardian, Heimdall is strict but honest.
Be honest in prayer to him, and you will not be left without an answer and help.