
Hel is the goddess of death, mistress of the world of the dead in German and Scandinavian mythology. She is the daughter of the god Loki and the giantess Angrboda.
There is the description of the goddess Hel given in Edda: she is gigantic in height, one half of her is black and blue, and the other is deathly pale. Therefore, the Queen of Helheim is often called the blue-white Hel. It is believed that when Ragnarok will start and the gods of the underworld will rebel against Asgard, Hel will lead an army of the dead to storm Asgard and the Aces.
In her childhood Hel was brought to Odin, along with her brothers - the wolf Fenrir and the serpent Yormungand. Odin gave the daughter of Loki the land of the dead in full possession: she became so sovereign here that she stopped listening to the gods and, in particular, Odin, who could not force Hel to free his son Balder and return him to life. So, not only the souls of dead people, but even dead gods fall into the kingdom of Hel; only the most glorious warriors who go to Odin in Valhalla do not get into Helheim.
Of course, no fire, torture and torment in Helheim does not exist: there is no pain, no misfortune, no suffering, no life. Helheim is a lifeless, pale and gray lands, where nothing can happened through the centuries.
Pray to the undead Goddess when you are on your edge, when you are between Death and Life - she will answer you with all her coldness and mystery. Hel can teach you to live a moment and to love your life, to enjoy your every day in this world.