Helmet of Horror pentacle

Aegishjalmur is a one of the world's known most powerful symbols, the so-called Helmet of Terror.
Researchers-mages emphasize its enormous power and ability to bring real strenght to any person without exception.
This sign is a drawing of circled Icelandic runes.
It is believed that the more branches a sign has, the stronger it is.
The number of runes is always a multiple of four.
Our pentacle (a magic artifact for a Wiccan altar) with the Helmet of Terror is no exception; the goal of this symbol is to increase the strength of its owner. On your altar you can charge any of your artifacts with the powers of this runic symbol.
The mere breath and energies of these runes are able to paralyze the will of your enemies, and to make them running in fear.
The pentacle on your altar concentrates energy like a lens that focuses a beam of light and creates a directed charge of energy. This charge can be used for various purposes tied to a battle magic, for example, to give you a physical strength or an additional willpower for you to win a battle you're fighting in.
Both a man and a woman can buy a pentacle with the image of the Helmet of Horror and use it as often as it needs to be used as a charger, or a blesser of the energies in your own sacred place.