Here are simple and short meanings of the Witches Runes

So, you've bought your very first one runic kit! Congratulations!
Yet, if you are a young or just unexperienced Witch or Witcher, you may have not enough information about what to do with your runes. Don't worry, I'll help you. This instruction works for all our runic sets, including the Elder Futhark and the Witches runes.
First of all, you have to clean your runes from all energies, that could stick to the set.
White sage is your best friend, it is always ready to clean everything and it will help you in this mission.
Buy a bunch of white sage, set it on fire and fumigate your new runes and its bag for nine minutes.
Here you go - runes are clean as a spring water!
The second thing you need to do - charge your mantle tool. Choose one God, or God and Goddess, to whom you're praying, or some other forces, who do you worship. In case with the Witches runes it can be Hecate, the Great Goddess, Amaterasu, Isis, Cernunnos, Ra, Thoth, Veles and many more, but if you're holding in your hands the Elder Futhark, pray only to Odin/Wotan.
All you need to do is light a circle of candles around your runes and ask Gods for the help. Let your kit stay in a circle until candles go out.
Ready for the third task?
Here we are - buy a magic tablecloth or take any clean piece of cloth, or a napkin that you like. This is the part of your mantle tool, you'll spend many hours, throwing runes on it. Clean it with white sage for nine minutes and you're ready to use your runic kit!
If you are a beginner and have never used the Witches Runes before, please, read my simple manual to them! I hope it will help you in your work.
Witches runes are the modern oracle, which was developed and often used primarily by Wiccans.
It contains thirteen runes, with an intuitive understandable symbol on each of it.
When you have prepared your own set for the work, please, carefully study the meaning of each rune - I will write more about this in the following text. While you are in the process of fortune telling, you should already know this important information. You must not interrupt your trance by using books or notes.
Next, decide on your questions. They should be as clear as possible, so there will be no errors in the answers.
The more accurately you will ask your question, the more accurately will be the answer.
Write all your questions on a piece of paper if you are afraid to forget them.
After you have prepared the runes for work, decide for yourself which mantle method you will choose? This method may be like one question - one rune, or one question - layout, just like in Tarot system.
It all depends on your situation.
Prepare a scheme of the layout or layouts, if you are not confident in your knowledge and memory. I'll tell you again - it is very important not to interrupt your divination process.
Witches runes work just like any other runes - randomly you get runes from a bag, and do not forget to repeat your question.
You can also take a handful of several runes and throw them on the tablecloth if you do not like the one rune's answer.
Witches runes is a very simple oracle with intuitive understandable symbols, they are open for communication and divination at any time, they are less strict than Elder Futhark or Northumbrian runes.