
Sumerian Goddess of the night, snake-temptress, passionate demoness - she has dozens of faces and stories.
Originally, Lilith was revered as the first wife of Adam, the forefather of people.
She has come a long way from a deified woman, whose beauty was worshiped by the peoples of the Sumerians and Jews, to a demoness who eats children and the wife of Satan himself.
There is no single description of Lilith.
She appears before us either as a mighty snake seducing Eve to take an apple of Knowledge, then as a satanic demon feasting on blood and bones, then as a charming beloved of the first man and the mother of hundreds, thousands children of Sodom. Some legends claim that Lilith, in her pride, refused to fulfill the will of Jehovah - to be an incubator for humanity, and for this she was expelled with a dark sigil of curse on her head.
Or with the crown of a free and powerful woman who was not afraid of God himself?
While exiled, she has met Cain, the first killer.
In her wisdom, Lilith teaches Cain a lot and they fell in fiery love with each other.
It is believed that it was from this connection the first vampires on earth appeared. Then Lilith was first portrayed by humanity as a blood-sucking demon devouring children and virgins.
Much later, in the medieval teachings, Lilith becomes the wife of Samael, Satan. It is believed that devilish couple rules Hell to this day.
Lilith is the fierce patroness of women: free and strong, gentle and passionate. Maidens, Mothers and Crones - there is no difference for her.
That is why hundreds and thousands of witches pray to her flaming heart in the hope of gaining the same spirit as Lilith's - she was the only one who was not afraid to oppose Jehovah himself and defended her right to love, freedom and life with blood and pain.