
In a dark, moonless night, go to the forest, wild Child. Keep a tiny fire inside - after all, nothing but an inner flame will illuminate your Path to Her.
Any Woman can join the fiery and bloody dance of Her Passion. With soft silky legs or scarred feet that are hardened from the past years, you will dance as one of the sparks of Her fire until dawn.
And a new fire will rise, dancing in the crimson colors of the liquid Sun.
A breath of a free, young morning breeze - and the dark wild forest will be enlightened with the bright shining of a pure and free soul.
Your soul, wild Child.
They say about Her that She betrayed the human race, doomed it to the sins and horrors of the dark endless night. They say She is eating children for breakfast, feasting on their tender and blessed souls.
Rumors of Her bloody cruelty and hatred bloom every day, like an open wound in the heart of humanity.
Laughing at the chains, wild and unyielding, The One that chose Freedom, Lady of Wind, Fire and Passion, does She know what Love is?
Rumors and whispers will fill your ears, becoming an unbearable cry, which is blaming Her in the most terrible sins.
But you’re a wild Child.
You will go to this scary forest on a moonless night, and when the thorns turn out to be impassable, and your legs are covered with blood...only then will you see the trail of a small female legs, burning with living fire for those who know how to look.
Forgetting about pain and despair, insane, you will run in these footsteps and you will definitely meet Her.
A Woman. A Goddess. A Mistress.
The One whose name people did not dare to whisper to you. But you always knew to whom the singing wind was calling you.
The scorching fiery light of freedom, pure strength and spirit of the wild Woman.
The Woman, who stayed true to the sacred Herself through the Eternity.