
Loki, in Scandinavian mythology, the evil god, a rogue among Aces, a Varg, son of Farbauti and Laufey. He is a lord of the jokers, fools, fire and magic.
He began his life in Asgard with simple pranks and jokes, but then he became the true embodiment of evil and started a Ragnarok, the final battle, where all of the gods and the whole Nine Worlds died. It is Loki who is guilty of the death of the shiny and merciful god Baldr, it is Loki, who has raised Hel, Jormungandr and Fenrir, three horrible nightmares of the Nine Worlds.
Loki, in order to save his own life, was ready to sacrifice the life of any god, as it happened in the case with the Thunderer: when Loki lured the unarmed Thor into the palace of the giant Geyrred, only the miraculous staff and iron gauntlets borrowed by the good giantess Grid saved Thor from death.
Loki betrayed his friend only because that it was the price, set by Geirred, for his own freedom.
The most famous case, happened not without the help of this joking god, is also connected with Thor: Loki designed a risky plan, which allowed to bring Mjolnir back to Thor, which has been stolen by dwarfs and falled into the hands of the giant.
Nowadays only a brave people, or a true Fools among Asatru pray to the god of fire, asking a help from him. He is a trickster, so you can never know if he help you or betray you.
Ask him about knowledge and the wisdom of shapeshifters, ask him about survival and shiny, sharp clever mind - will he answer to you?
Only you can know this.