
Lugh is a god of light and happiness.
He, young handsome warrior in a helmet, with a spear and a magic dog, is often associated with the solar cult.
Lugh is a connoisseur of many arts and crafts (he is a carpenter, and blacksmith, harper, filid, a doctor, a warrior and a hero), for which he is was named as Samildan, which means "someone, who is experienced in many arts" and Lamfada, " the Long Arm." Someone explain this names, according to the solar nature of Lugh and comparing his hand with a ray of sunshine.
This shiny god is the grandson of the one-eyed Balor, the leader of the Fomorians.
Etlinn, the only daughter of Balor, was considered as Lugh's mother.
Welsh Lugh (Lleu) is a pupil of the seer and magician Gwydion;
According to some versions, the Irish epic hero Kuhulin himself was a Lugh's son.
He has brought to Ireland one of the four main Celtic talismans - Sunspear of his father, which is striking without a miss.
In the Ireland, there still exists a holiday in the honor of this beautiful deity - Lughnasad, or "Lugh's Feast". Large bonfires are made on the peaks and people kept it burning during the whole “fiery holiday”.
Through the years, in Celtic people representation, the god of light turned into a gnome, a keeper of underground treasures and a skilled shoemaker.
Pray to him with wine and cakes, meat and fruits, to celebrate the Life itself. Ask him for some sunlight in your life and he will give you a lot.