
On the night of All Hallows Even, when horror and terror reigns all over the Earth, and people are burying the Great Horned God in tears, do not leave your house, do not turn on the lights, do not open windows!
The line between the worlds is thinning, becoming like a parchment paper - and something terrible comes here from the world on the other side that wants to destroy as many people as possible, feeding on their lives and fears.
Fortunately, the Earth still has defenders.
I will tell you one of the legends about the Wild Hunt. Whether it is true or not - judge for yourself...
When the Horned God dies, leaving the Earth without his protection, a mysterious unknown warrior raises a spear against all creatures made of pure horror and darkness.
He blows a horn, richly decorated with iron and stones, and from the milky fog rise his faithful Riders, whose souls will not know rest this night.
They saddle their horses, their faithful companions, and say goodbye to each other, fraternizing and embracing, for they know that on this night even the dead can die again. Can you hear this terrifying howl?
The Riders hunt, being accompanied by wolves, dogs and foxes - beasts, the last servants of Cernunnos, whose goal is to help to detect evil and eradicate it.
The procession of the Wild Hunt begins at the moment of the last leaving breath of the Horned God and gallops across the skies until the blessed dawn, when all the evil that crawled out of their holes has already been destroyed by the brave Wild Hunt and their mysterious leader, who never lifts the visor of his helmet.
Who is he?
Legends describe him with a spear, accompanied by two loyal wolves and two black ravens. Through his visor we could have seen only one laughing eye.
Offer the Riders on this night strong alcohol, meat and fruits - the war against evil spirits requires remarkable strength. Alcohol will warm up their dead veins, meat with blood will awaken their appetite for a righteous battle, and the sorcerers will take fruits, glorifying the Horned God and Odin the All-Father in crying hymns.
Hear this legend, one of thousand...Is it the true one? Who knows, decide it for yourself.
But you must still remember - don't you dare open your windows at All Hallows Even!