Pendant Agys’hyalm

To your dearest attention, the amulet of Agys’hyalm, the Helmet of Horror, is presented. You can see it as a cross-shaped equilateral sign. It has a lot of variations of picturing its endings depending on the aim. Here they are represented as a forks.
This ancient symbol dates back to the Old-Scandinavian epos known as “The Poetic Edda” and to “Fafnismal” where the warrior Sygurd kills the dragon Fafnir that was thought to be invincible, and where Sygurd reaches to his enormous treasures including the Helmet of Horror. This Helmet oversteps a wide range of symbols in providing protection. Thus, the Scandinavian mythology tells that the possession of such a sign empowers your magical strength resulting in gaining the additional power over your enemies.
As you can see, this amulet concentrates and multiplies the power of the owner himself. You can picture its focus as a lens, but the concept of an antenna would be more exact.
It would be quite useful for those who needs a powerful directed energy charge. It may happen during your magical rituals or for implementation of your intentions. You can also use this amulet to improve your memory abilities and concentration.