Pentacle Triskelion

Nowadays it is hard to find an altar where no one pentacle is ever used. Pentacle is extremely useful item for any magic practice, especially for those magicians who belongs to Wicca tradition. As a rule, pentacle is a place where the most part of energy is concentrated during a ritual. The purposes of pentacle vary according to the symbols on them. Mainly, they are used to bless, charge or consecrate something placed on the pentacle in the circle of burning candles.
On the presented pentacle you can see the symbol of Triskelion. It is a Celtic symbol with the meaning of the sun showing its rising, zenith and dusk. It is pictured as a triple spiral figures and has many varieties. In original version, there are three legs running from the center. In general, it shows the movement, running of life, and, what is more important, its cycling and fluidity with course of history and rotation of luminaries, as a sun itself symbolize light and life. The Celts used to address to it when they needed to see the future, gain calmness and equilibrium with the nature.
As in the past, the symbol still able to protect its owner from natural disasters, but its real potential power lies somewhere deeper. The main goal of it is operation with life energy. A wizard or a witch can easily charge him- or herself or some item with its help. In case of emotional uncertainty, it can help to gain the stability of feeling and clearness of head. In addition, being a whirlpool, Triskelion can serve as a portal to anywhere you need to be. And its mighty of energy manipulation is based on its whirlpool nature, too. So its full potential is yet to be open.