Rituals of Hecate

Sacraments and rituals related to Hecate take the path of attainment the life inside of death, of alteration, mutation and transformation.
As Hecate is a strong lunar deity, the time borders of rituals to honor her derive from the position of the Moon – it is the midnight of moonless nights (New Moon) or the period of Moon rising on August, 13th, the main pagan fest of Hecate. In addition, the history sustained such dates related to Hecate as November, 7th and 16th – nights of Hecate three-formed, when offerings for the goddess were left on crossroads. It is also December, 2nd and 7th – days of Hecate in Greece.
Followers of Wicca tradition conduct esbats – celebrations of the full Moon. But this tradition allows rituals to be conducted twice or three times a month as well: on the dark Moon, ib the middle and in the end of the moon month to respect the trinity. To speak about days of week, conducting rituals should be held on Mondays and Saturdays. Hecate rituals are traditionally held in a secluded wooden place, temple, or on the crossroads of three or four roads. It is necessary to build an altar of the goddess with her statue and symbol. There definitely must be a vessel with water in the ritual, as the element of water is inseparably connected to the Moon and its energy. Purification and enrichment come through the water.
Meat, honey cakes and garlic are used as a offering to the goddess.
After commission of a ritual and offering, one should pay particular attention on signs from the goddess. A distinctive feature of her is that she cannot stand with blurring and admits only specificity. That is why having received a sign, you will definitely understand it was her.