
Thor, or Donar, the son of Jord and Odin, god of Thunder, war and family, protector of simple people, Aces and all the Nine Worlds.
Even in a childhood he was famous for his enormous size and strength.
Usually in a good mood, Thor sometimes fell into a violent rampage and he was very dangerous at that time.
His mother, unable to be with him, sent Thor to Wingnir (winged) and Chlora (heat), who were the symbolic personification of lightning. They wisely educated him, and when Thor realized what he owed to them, he also took two more names: Wingtor and Chloridi, by which he was also known among Northern people.
When he reached adulthood, Thor was admitted to Asgard, where he took pride place among the twelve gods in a huge council hall. He received Trudvangar (Trudheim), where he has built the palace Bilskirnir (sparkling like lightning). Even in Asgard, among ladies and lords, Thor still was a patron of peasants and lower classes.
In Norway, Thor was one of the highest and the most loved gods.
In myths he is described as a hero, tall, strong and furious, with red hair and a big red beard.
Pray to him for protection from any troubles and evil things, pray to him in order to get strength in the difficult times, ask for a help and mercy - and Thor will hear your prayings first among all gods. He never refuses to help.