
Ull, the God of winter, was the son of Sif and stepson of mighty furious Thor the Thunderer.
His real father, most likely, was one of the terrible frost giants, this is why does Ull loves coldness and snow, fishing and hunting: he can follow his chosen beast in the forests of the north for a very long timd, ignoring the ice and snow.
As the god of hunting and shooting, he was described with a large quiver, full of arrows and a huge bow.
Since yew-tree gave the best wood for the creation of this weapon, Northern people believed that it is Ull's favorite tree. In his will to always have the right wood at hand, Ull built an Idalir, his own palace in the yew-tree valley, where it was in abundance.
As the god of winter, Ull, sometimes, was considered second after Odin, whose throne he occupied when the All-Father was not in the Asgard for the long winter months. During this time, Ull snowed Asgard and Midgard, bringing us winter.
Ull was also considered the god of death, he participated in the Wild Hunt, and sometimes even headed it. He was especially famous for his exceptional speed in movement.
Since his skis were in the form of a shield and the ice, with which he annually bound the ground, was also sewn to protect it from the harm that winter could bring, Ull was called as "a shield Ace”, and all those who should fight in a duel or in a difficult battle, called on Ull in their prayings.
He also was the patron of the first month of the year, which began on November 22 and continued until the sun passed the constellation of Sagittarius.