Pentacle Hecates keys

This time we would like to present you a new astonishing pentaclle made by our workshop. Sombre and enigmatic, this symbol is familiar to those few witches and wizards who have chosen the mysteries of the most wise and controversial Olympic goddess, Gekata. She is always three-faced: Maid, Mother and Crone - embodiment of the Great Goddess whose knowledge is unlimited. It is believed that this is Gekata who patronizes witches and wizards mentoring them onto the Path, enlightening them the road with her wisdom. This goddess is pictured with her loyal black hound, a torch in a hand and... keys on the waist.
Why does Gekata, the mistress of magic and witchcraft, need these keys?
They can be used to open any doors including even those that sooner or later occur on the Path of every practician.
If it seems to you that in your life there is some stagnation, or if it feels as if you are beating against the wall and have no way out, then this pentacle we has made just for you. With its help you will be able to call for Gekata's Keys to create or open a door in an unsustainable situation. Create a circle, make a sacrifice for Gekata, offer her a prayer and activate the pentacle. You can also sanctify artefacts that will help you in the development and progress on your Path.
The symbol of the Keys of Gekata is especially useful for mantical instruments. By using this pentacle you will be able to easily recharge your favourite Taro deck, bag of runes, ogham and so on.
Who knows what else possibilities can the Keys of Gekata open? Only you can get it to know.
Pentacle is handmade of oak and has a compact size of only 12 cm. Use it for good and let the good be with you!