Symbols of Hecate

Controversial and multi-dimentioned Hecate has a lot of symbols, related to the nature of the goddess and her image. The main and most interesting feature of her is tripartite typology. The goddess is pictured with three bodies - of Virgin, Mother and of Crone, - with three heads and six arms. And by this, she objectifies three life stages - Birth, Life and Death; time - Past, Present and Future.
This leads to one of the most famous symbols of the Goddess - to Strofalos, or Jinx, or the Wheel of Hecate. Only one ancient source, the Chaldean oracles, contains a description of the sence of this symbol as a snake that curdled in the form of a maze around spiral. A maze is connected to Hecate as a goddess of crossroads since ancient times. In this case, a maze symbolises rebirth, and a spiral in the centre symbolises a whirl, emanation of the divine mind. This sign is also called as Keys of Hecate that are able to open any door. That is why it is applied for search of paths, for search of solutions for tasks and problems, for search of answers and approaches. According to Wicca tradition, where this symbol is applied the most, it represents the three visages of the goddess.
To speak about animals, a dog is associated with Hecate most of all. Hence, barking of dogs means the present of the goddess. The triangular goddess herself can appear with three heads: of dog, horse and bear, or of dog, snake and lion.
Among other attributes of Hecate there can be listed a whip that symbolises passions and sins chasing a human soul; a dagger, as an image of I'll will and revenge; and a torch as a part of the world of eternal darkness. Among all the listed above, the former occurs the most often, especially in regard to the one aspect of the goddess, Hecate bringing the light.
The symbols of Hecate are used in rituals devoted to her and the Moon, in practices of diverse magic traditions, particularly Wicca one.