
Fenrir, the curse of Gods, Ragnarok itself - is a beast from the Norse mythology, mighty giant wolf, who ripped off Tyr's hand and started the final battle for life.
One of the most famous Loki's children, Fenrir is a son of lady Angrboda, mistress of the Iron Forest.
In a childhood he was taken from his mother and started to live in Asgard, where he was raised like an ordinary wolfling.
One day he became so big and aggressive, that Gods decided to chain him and agreed with each other that it should be done cunningly, like a game.
Gods offered Fenrir a dispute: is there a chain he can't handle with?
Fenrir, young and self-confident wolf, agreed to play. He was chained about hundred times and every chain was broken by his paws.
Then wise gnomes forged a new chain, from some rare ingredients like a woman's beard, mountain roots and many more. They ensured Odin and Gods that Fenrir will never break this chain.
Fenrir agreed to be chained again but he demand from Aces one thing: someone should put his or her hand in his mouth with big white fangs and this will be a proof of Gods honesty. Mighty and brave Tyr agreed, and left his hand in a mouth of Fenrir, but Gods already chained giant wolf forever.
In the day of tears and pain, when Gods will die, he will break his chains and even kill Odin Allfather.
Pray to the Great Wolf, when you feel yourself chained, when you are not free from the negative situations of your life or just want a revenge and crying in pain for it. His beast nature will guide you to the freedom you want.